
Diabetes corresponds to an abnormal rise in blood sugar, defined by the blood sugar level: this is called hyperglycemia.


The origin of this hyperglycemia results from an imbalance in the regulation of hormones (insulin and glucagon) making it possible to maintain a stable blood sugar level during the day.

There are actually two forms of diabetes.


Type 1 diabetes known as insulin-dependent.

It is often discovered in young people (children, adolescents). This type of diabetes is called autoimmune.

During type I diabetes, cells of the pancreas are destroyed leading to a reduction or even a complete absence of insulin secretion, the pancreas is no longer able to synthesize sufficient insulin. Glucose is therefore no longer able to penetrate the cells, thus increasing its blood level and causing hyperglycemia.

The main symptoms reported by patients with type I are:

  • need to urinate frequently,
  • intense thirst,
  • a feeling of intense hunger,
  • weight loss,
  • severe fatigue
  • repeated loss of consciousness


Type 2 diabetes, known as insulin-resistant diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes results from a decreased effect of insulin. If it does not work well, sugar builds up in the blood, blood sugar levels rise, disease appears.

The main symptoms reported by patients with type II:

  • fatigue,
  • vision problems,
  • feeling of dry mouth,
  • need to urinate often,
  • feel more hungry or thirsty,
  • tingling in the feet,
  • infections that heal poorly…

Risk factors.

Knowing the risk factors allows you to try to correct them and thus prevent the onset of the disease. It is :

  • Hereditary factors
  • High blood pressure
  • A diet too rich in fats and sugars
  • From a sedentary lifestyle
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Smoking and cardiovascular diseases,
  • From being overweight


Drug treatments.

Type 1 diabetes, known as insulin-dependent diabetes, is treated with insulin injections. Control and monitoring of risk factors is also essential.

Type 2 diabetes can be treated with medication but as it progresses, switching to insulin may be necessary.


Osteopathy and diabetes.

The osteopath, through his overall approach to the patient, will aim to restore mobility to the affected visceral structures in diabetic patients. In addition, he will be able to work on the framework which surrounds the viscera (the abdomen, lumbar, thorax, pelvis, diaphragm) which will allow the abdominal organs to function optimally.

Finally, your practitioner will be able to work remotely, at the level of the skull and at the level of the dorsal vertebrae in order to act on the neurovegetative regulation of the digestive system.


To find out more or any information, do not hesitate, consult the articles on Facebook or call 07 85 95 33 49.

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